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  • How much is TUNE®?

    We don't display prices because it varies depending on each client. Once your needs are determined, we can let you know the associated costs. This is not to raise the price, but to make sure we can guarantee a good R.O.I. for you.

  • How do I order/pay for a TUNE®?

    Unlike other companies, we guarantee savings. In fact, 90% of businesses can use TUNE®!  BUT not everyone benefit enough to make it worth their while. Therefore an assessment is needed first.

  • How do I open a TUNE® account?

    Simply start the online assessment or request an in-person assement. Once you qualify we will send a contract and link for patment, which will open your support account with us

  • Do you provide support?

    TUNE® filyers are completely passive, with no moving parts - so if it "fails" your power continues like normal, before TUNR® was installed. No TUNE® has ever needed replacement, repair or maintenance in our over 15 years in business - but if you do need help, we can send an electrician or guide yours on how to disengage your TUNE® filter.

  • Can I have two TUNE accounts?

    Yes. If you have more than one business type (Example: a Hair salon and a mini-mart) OR if you want TUNE® for your business and one for your home - you can bill them separately